
5 Ways to Improve Hotel Guest Satisfaction Through Text Messaging

When you run a hotel, guest satisfaction is a major focus. Implementing texting in hotels is the best way to increase communication with your guests. Texting is a preferred method of communication for many hotel guests, and you can use this to your advantage. You can offer guests exclusive deals, or offer last minute upgrades when your hotel has open rooms. Text messaging will increase overall revenue and help to create a better customer experience.

Create Exclusive Deals for Hotel Guests

If you are using text messaging to reach hotel guests, create deals that are exclusive only to those that have signed up to receive text messages from your hotel. Consider that a guest already staying in your hotel might love an upgrade, so send out a text to those staying in a standard room and offer an upgrade at a discount. When you use the right technology in your hotel, you can reach the right guests easily.

Confirm Reservations Through Text Messaging

When a hotel guest makes a reservation at your hotel, a quick text message to confirm their reservation will make guests feel confident in their reservations. You can also send out a message the day before your guest arrives, asking when they might arrive so you can be ready to offer complimentary services. In addition, if a guest makes a reservation at your restaurant or spa, a quick text will let them know that you received the request. You can even send out a reminder text to let your guest know that a reservation is coming up.

Share Events Going on at Your Hotel or in the Community

Hotel guests may want to know about events you are holding at your hotel or fun things to do out in the community. When you have scheduled events, you can send out a text message to let your guests know what is going on for the week. If you find out about something fun to do in town, share the event with your guests if you think they’ll be interested.

Use Text Messaging for Room Service Orders

When your hotel offers room service, set up text messaging to allow guests to order food through a text. This makes ordering simple, and allows you to send back a confirmation text to confirm the order. You can send out an additional text when the order is on the way to the room. Some guests feel more comfortable ordering by text than by over the phone. This is a convenient way to streamline your room service system.

Get Customer Feedback

To gather valuable feedback from your guests, you can send out a survey through text messaging to make it easy for guests to provide information regarding their stay. Customers waiting at the airport can fill out a survey easily when they receive a text message. If you receive a poor rating, this can be dealt with quickly by management at your hotel. If the customer was highly satisfied, you can ask the customer to fill out a review online.


When you run a hotel, customer service has to be important. When you implement text messaging, you are giving your hotel guests an effective way to communicate with you. You can offer deals that are time limited, offer room upgrades, and share event information through a quick text message. You will be able to build a relationship with your guests that will improve guest satisfaction and retention.

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