
Beyond Mobile Hotel Booking

As mobile booking continues to dominate the hotel space, this trend begins to raise other questions in regards to mobility in the space. We are seeing on average about 70% of consumers are booking their trips via mobile application. This number is continuing to rise, and truly showing no signs of decreasing. The fact of the matter is that offering the guest the ability to quickly and efficiently book their room, gives the guest a seamless way to browse and choose a hotel, ultimately creating a better experience for the potential guest.

While we continue to look at the increase of mobile hotel bookings with its ease of use, we have to also look at the other areas of the mobile guest experience that need to be enhanced. Keeping with the progression from booking, one would want to look at the next step of the process, which would be focused on arrival and check-in. As we are seeing the desire for guests to have a more simplistic interaction with the hotel, one can only assume that this will continue to move past the booking process. Giving the guests the ability to check-in via their mobile device, whether that is through a native app the hotel has built out or though a web based application, ultimately giving the guest the option to continue to their mobile experience with the hotel.

Having the option of both pre check-in or on site check in, expands the range in which the hotel allows the guests the ability to choose their own experience. Whether mobile check in is offered to expedite the check in process or merely allow the guests to engage with the hotel on their own terms, the option is now available. Just as checking into your flight early and receiving a mobile boarding pass eases the travelers experience at the airport, the same can be said for giving the hotel guest the ability to check in prior to arrival. The hotel can have the option of sending out a QR code to allow the guest to self serve themselves, or simply allow for pre-check in with the keys waiting at the front desk upon arrival. The hotel has the luxury of additional time to double check housekeeping needs or any other pre arrival requests, prior to the guest’s physical arrival at the hotel. The addition of mobile check-in also gives the hotel the ability to upsell rooms, packages, entertainment, etc. the same way airlines push seat upgrades and bag check through their check-in services.

While mobile check-in can give both guests and staff the ability to experience a more fluid arrival, mobile checkout can also add additional convince to the hotel experience. Giving the guest a notification upon their expected check-out date, allows the hotel to maintain a real time understanding of guests departure, as well as freeing up the front desk for those arrivals. Utilizing mobile checkout can also give the hotel the ability to find revenue potential through the promotion and monetization of late checkouts. If the hotel can accommodate a certain number of late check-outs on a given day, then this can not only be promoted, but increase revenue as well.

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See how StayNtouch’s Cloud PMS, Guest Mobility, and Guest Kiosk solutions deliver better results for hotels through better front & back of house communication, increased mobile touch-points, more revenue and operational efficiency, and unlimited interfaces.

Your demo will include how to:

Manage and Set Tasks Across Your Departments

Ensure Guest Satisfaction & Safety With Contactless Check-in Options

Automate Easy Upsells & Monetized Early/Late Checkouts

Set & Manage Rates/Availability

Integrate With Tools and Platforms Essential to Your Hotel

And More!

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