
HITEC is Over, But do “StayNTouch!”

HITEC has once again come and gone, the build up was strong, the conference was hectic, and the recovery……..well, that was much needed. Both seasoned vets of the conference and new comers in their own right came out in full force, for what looked to be a successful show for most. Whether you were there to keep the market up to date on the company’s progress, or there to shake up the space and introduce the newest and coolest, there was something there for all in attendance.

Mobility looked to be a hot ticket item this year, and I would say for good reason. We are a mobile society, showing no signs of slowing down when it comes to our reach and access in this mobile era. As I think it was quite prevalent, the conversation of mobility was the buzz, and everyone was looking to make their mark in the space. Both big and small players were there to show their stuff, and for both the attendee’s and exhibitors, I would say there was quite a bit of new technology to take in. As it is tough to say who is the clear winner, the one thing that is clear, is that mobility in the hospitality space is here to stay and add serious value.

As it was my first HITEC, I went into it with both blind curiosity and high expectations. From Day1 set-up to the last day breakdown, it was go-go-go from sun up to sun down, and everything in between. Having done trade-shows and conferences before, I will always say, it’s better to be hectic busy then have any down time. Luckily for us, all our time was consumed with meetings, demos, serious inquires, and a few mediocre jokes, this kept us on our game from start to finish. We met with both large groups and small independents, allowing us to speak to all types of properties, receiving fantastic feedback from all. As the new kids on the block we had a wide-eyed sense of engagement, and it was exciting to speak with every attendee that made it a point to stop by the booth. If it was to come by and grab a little information or hop in on a quick demo, we could not be more appreciative of the companies that enjoyed what we are brining to the space.

All in all I would say the show was a success for all. It is an exciting time to be in this space, and there is quite a bit going on. After a week of HITEC, there is a lot to take in and digest, but I think the consensus is strong; cloud mobility is the direction the space is moving, and just remember to “StayNTouch!”

By Patrick Williamson Sales Executive at StayNTouch, Inc.

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Your demo will include how to:

Manage and Set Tasks Across Your Departments

Ensure Guest Satisfaction & Safety With Contactless Check-in Options

Automate Easy Upsells & Monetized Early/Late Checkouts

Set & Manage Rates/Availability

Integrate With Tools and Platforms Essential to Your Hotel

And More!

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