
Scandic Hotels Launches Mobile Check Out at All Hotels…its a start!

Earlier this week, I wrote how technology exists today that allows road warriors incredible convenience when traveling (smart phones, WiFi, cloud storage), however generally speaking, all such offered conveniences end at the front door of the hotel. The hotel industry, generally speaking, is way behind the times in leveraging amazing conveniences available via widely accepted technologies. I was happy to come across an article in the online journal Hotel News Resource about how Scandic Hotels has rolled out mobile checkout, which texts the guest the night before allowing the guest to review charges, update address and pay their bill. While this is cool, there is SO MUCH MORE THAT CAN BE DONE!! Why not allow mobile check-in? How about allowing social connection to other guests in the hotel via your smartphone? How about allowing the viewing of pictures of rooms when selecting/booking (up sell anyone?).

Some key points from the article…

  • Scandic Hotels estimates that in the first year it will see half a million digital check-outs. In the following year, Scandic expects to see that number double. This is because the service is so simple to use that it gives guests immediate added value

  • The hotel industry has so far been cautious and rather slow with its digital services…many Nordic guests take it for granted that they can manage their bank accounts and shop for, book, rearrange and pay for travel on their smartphone. (Author’s Note: We couldn’t agree more!)

In the end, congratulations Scandic for some cool forward thinking convenience. Let this be the beginning of something much much more. Click here to view the entire article…Happy Thanksgiving!

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