
How a mobile Hotel PMS streamlines Hotel employee productivity

The mobile revolution has transformed the modern workplace in many ways; companies who have taken it on board have enabled their employees to become more productive as they have tools that allow them to be mobile and high-functioning. The hotel industry is one such industry that can gain great operational advantage by using mobile technology – and there are many notable facts and figures purporting to the fact.

  • A study of over 200 American Federal workers in 2013 found that, when given access to mobile tools and portals, each employee will gain an extra 364 hours of productive time per year. Not only that, but they also reported feeling more efficient and engaged.
  • A study by cloud computing firm Salesforce suggests that enterprise apps can boost your staff’s productivity by more than 34%.
  • A global study by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) found that 60% of employees believed themselves more productive as a result of using mobile technology, and,
  • Organizations that are mobile ‘pioneers’ saw a 16% boost in productivity, as well as increases in staff creativity and loyalty.

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With the above in mind, below we look at a few ways a mobile PMS can help streamline employee productivity by allowing staff to work smarter and remain productive all while on the go.

Portable: Compared to the legacy PMS – which can only be operated on-site, cloud based mobile PMSs provide hoteliers with a new degree of freedom. Employees are no longer restricted to managing operations from a single location and can carry out tasks from anywhere in or outside the property. Employees are able to essentially take their office with them allowing them to work whenever and wherever they need.

Accessible: With a mobile hotel PMS, hoteliers have access to all information on one dashboard; hotel operations are simplified meaning at-a-glance, staff can quickly see the daily status upon sign in, from check-ins, checkouts, occupancy, rooms available, VIPs etc. Employees can also access real-time relevant business data and resources such as guest folios allowing hoteliers to identify customer needs more effectively and provide a more personalized service.

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With a mobile PMS, employees can monitor all aspects of the hotel’s operations no matter where they are, enabling them to stay connected to the property.

Improved communication: A mobile PMS has the potential to speed up communication resulting in improved productivity. With access to live data that can be shared easily, not only can employees work remotely and on the go but teams can also collaborate across departments regardless of their location increasing efficiency and productivity.

For example, housekeeping can gain real time access to important room information and can engage in meaningful, real time communication with front desk and management allowing for rooms to be turned around faster and on-premise issues addressed more quickly leaving front office staff to focus on the day-to-day business of looking after their guests.

By leverage mobile technology employees get more work done faster than non-mobile-centric organizations. Mobile is not only versatile, but the cost cutting opportunities and the potential to enhance customer service is immense. Businesses that don’t embrace and invest in mobile technology risk being left behind.

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See how StayNtouch’s Cloud PMS, Guest Mobility, and Guest Kiosk solutions deliver better results for hotels through better front & back of house communication, increased mobile touch-points, more revenue and operational efficiency, and unlimited interfaces.

Your demo will include how to:

Manage and Set Tasks Across Your Departments

Ensure Guest Satisfaction & Safety With Contactless Check-in Options

Automate Easy Upsells & Monetized Early/Late Checkouts

Set & Manage Rates/Availability

Integrate With Tools and Platforms Essential to Your Hotel

And More!

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