
IT Service Accountability Issues: They’re More Common Than You Think

In this digital generation, technology is at the core of almost all activity. It has changed the way we think and how businesses work. In the hotel industry, thousands of companies worldwide provide hundreds of software applications to help hotels and hotel companies manage operations to provide better guest service. As hospitality is a 24/7/365 industry; it’s important that assistance is available whenever problems arise to limit disruptions to your business. Any good PMS provider will take care of updates and upgrades, routine maintenance, and ensure the safety and security of your data, saving time and money while easing stress. But a recent Hospitality Technology Study revealed that over 55% of hoteliers are not satisfied with their current PMS provider, citing poor support offered by the vendor as one of their frustrations.

IT service accountability issues are frustrating for staff and guests alike. They lower efficiency and decrease satisfaction scores costing hotels real money. The annual cost of managing (on-premise) software applications can be as much as four times the cost of the initial purchase! And companies can spend up to 80% of their total IT budget just to maintain and run existing systems and infrastructure. So, why exactly do hoteliers tolerate poor performance and continue to spend money on such solutions?

In the retail or consumer world, with so many competitors vying for the customer’s business, the effort a company makes to deliver better service can really make it stand out. The discrepancy in customer service between good and bad companies is obvious. However, when it comes to customer service in the B2B world, it is typically different.

In the B2B arena, more often than not, there may only be a few well-established main players in the market, meaning businesses generally have fewer choices when picking enterprise solutions, so when they find a vendor they like, they tend to stick with it. Not only that but enterprise customers believe they need “enterprise” i.e. complex solutions to run their businesses so they don’t really look at alternatives. Once in place, many hoteliers are simply afraid of changing to a new solution due to the perceived hassle involved in upgrading or moving to a new system. In this situation, which is all too common, if a vendor delivers subpar customer support service, while a business might be frustrated, they will more than likely put up with it.

The hospitality industry benefits vastly from technology. But in order for it to be effective, it is critical that hotels can get the help they need when they need it. If you are working with a PMS company which takes days to respond to issues, then it’s time for you to find a PMS company which provided 24×7 support and can help you manage issues in real-time. Delayed resolutions hurt businesses and you shouldn’t be stuck for too long with a bad service provider.

Suppliers and vendors play a key role in your company’s success. Those that provide quality support can give you a competitive advantage by allowing you do more while spending less resulting in satisfied guests and increased profitability.

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Manage and Set Tasks Across Your Departments

Ensure Guest Satisfaction & Safety With Contactless Check-in Options

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