
Marriott Hits 1 Million Mobile Check-Ins?? Critical Mass is Around the Corner…

One way or another, we’ve all heard it…innovation arrives and the doubters jump in…

“Uber will never replace the convenience or safety of the taxi industry.”

Price of Taxi Medallions down 24% in 2 Years

“Airline kiosks just can’t offer the service to do the job.”

Survey: Airline passengers want more self-service

and now this…

“My guests will never check-in via mobile device and skip my fantastic front desk experience!”

THE POINT? If Marriott, who is successfully battling against being pigeoned as “your father’s hotel brand” has surpassed 1,000,000 mobile check-in’s by their guests…imagine the possibilities for YOUR hotel and brand! Let’s face it…the face of our industry (and many others) is rapidly being transformed by mobility and by CHOICE OF SERVICE.

A growing section of your customers are attracted by this choice of service. Some may decide to take full advantage of the warm wonderful front desk crew, the concierge, the welcoming hotel staff who have been trained at great effort and expense to properly represent your hotel’s personality and character.

A growing majority demand this choice of service…they may be in their 3rd city in 5 days and even a 5 minute wait to check-in will ruin any advantages of a “full service experience”. Perhaps what is on their mind is getting to their room as fast as possible so they can get into their PJ’s, switch on ESPN, Survivor or whatever and nestle into the 800 thread count sheets.

If Marriott has surpassed one million mobile check-ins, the industry is approaching critical mass. We’ve all seen it happen in Banking, Airlines, Retail…does anyone doubt in 3 years mobile check-in, mobile choice of room and related technologies (mobile room key?) will be DEMANDED by travelers?

Don’t be one of these guys…

I welcome your thoughts!


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See how StayNtouch’s Cloud PMS, Guest Mobility, and Guest Kiosk solutions deliver better results for hotels through better front & back of house communication, increased mobile touch-points, more revenue and operational efficiency, and unlimited interfaces.

Your demo will include how to:

Manage and Set Tasks Across Your Departments

Ensure Guest Satisfaction & Safety With Contactless Check-in Options

Automate Easy Upsells & Monetized Early/Late Checkouts

Set & Manage Rates/Availability

Integrate With Tools and Platforms Essential to Your Hotel

And More!

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