
New Hotel Technology Saved My Life

I wake up, head pounding. Startled.

I look at my clock…9am! Damn it, I’m late!

All I keep thinking is “Charlie is going to kill me. I have 20 minutes to get to the airport. I can’t miss this flight, I can’t miss this meeting!”

I’m whirling around like the Tasmanian devil getting ready.

“Please let my phone be charged – Yes! 100%”

Perfect, open my Uber app, punch in my address – Kimberly will be here in 5 minutes. Great. Things are looking up.

I run downstairs, hop in the car, and I ask her to go as fast as she can. My flight leaves at 10 and I’m 20 minutes from the airport.

Good thing I’m flying Delta, so I know I can check in on my app.

Now I’m thinking, the problem is, “How am I going to wait in line to check in to my hotel, get my key, go to my room, put on my suit and go to this 1pm meeting without being late?”

Wait a minute, just like magic; I get an email from my hotel saying I can check in on my phone.

Wait what? What kind of sorcery is this?! Someone does not want me to be late for this meeting.

If I get to my meeting on time I’m writing the best review possible on TripAdvisor!

In line waiting for TSA, checking in to my hotel, the email reads “Dear Mr. Coleman, please click the link below to let us know what time you will be arriving so we can start preparing your room for your check-in.”

The next screen allows me to enter any other requests, which is great, because I left my phone charger at home.  At this point, I’ve already decided I’m never going to another hotel in Miami ever again.

And now I’m writing two positive reviews!!

I arrive at the hotel and head to a magical station that reads “Pre Check-In”, I showed my ID, and I was immediately given my key and directed to my room. It barely took a minute; I can’t believe this is happening.

I run upstairs and like an oasis in the desert, I see a cell phone charger sitting on my bed – In its full glory. I charged my phone, changed my clothes, and went to my meeting – on time.

Traveling has long had a reputation for being unpredictable, and inefficient. Finally, new hotel technology is coming to a place where our needs are being anticipated; hospitality companies are looking deeper into our daily habits. We should all be glad they’re paying attention and making our experience seamless.

By Ronnie Coleman Sales Executive at StayNTouch, Inc

Also, check out Zest our mobile hotel check-in app

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Your demo will include how to:

Manage and Set Tasks Across Your Departments

Ensure Guest Satisfaction & Safety With Contactless Check-in Options

Automate Easy Upsells & Monetized Early/Late Checkouts

Set & Manage Rates/Availability

Integrate With Tools and Platforms Essential to Your Hotel

And More!

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