
Show These Mobile Usage Stats to any Travel Executive Resisting Change

Earlier in the week, I wrote about how travelers more and more are making travel arrangements and purchase decisions on their mobile devices (smart-phones & tablets).  While drinking my morning coffee today, I came across what I think is a very interesting article in Tnooz listing surprising statistics on how mobility is changing the way travelers interact with travel providers.

Some key statistics from the article…

  • The $13.6 billion in travel bookings via mobile will comprise about 10% of total digital sales in 2013.

  • On, 70% of bookings are for same day, and most of these are done after 2 p.m. for same-day bookings.

  • International Hotels Group (IHG) says that 35% of emails it sends to customers are opened on mobile devices.

Click this link to continue reading the article.   ”Show these mobile usage stats to any travel executive resisting change”

What do you think about the move to mobility?  Does your company have a comprehensive strategy to address this market inevitability?  We welcome your comments!



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