
The Hotel Technology Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities

For any hotel to stay relevant to travelers of today, they need to be adopting the latest and greatest hotel technology the world has to offer. However, there is a vast amount of hotel technology saturating the market, competition continues to grow and new digital tools continue to permeate the market – choosing the right solution is no easy feat.

As we head closer towards 2019, we take a look at both challenges and opportunities facing hoteliers looking to invest in new technology.


Finding the Right Tech Partner: There are many, big, well known players in the market that have been providing PMS and other hospitality technology solutions since day dot. In recent years with new tech start-ups emerging offering hotel software solutions, the competition between vendors on who has the best solutions has multiplied – It also has left hoteliers overwhelmed with choice. With multiple vendor options, from big and small providers, come numerous products which can vary significantly in capability and performance. While finding the right tech partner is never easy, with so many vendors to choose from, hoteliers face an onerous task and really must do their homework to find the right tech partner.

Accountability: The hospitality industry benefits vastly from technology. But in order for it to be effective, it is critical that hotels can get the help they need when they need it. However, according to a global hotel PMS study, The Future of Hotel Management Systems, receiving adequate support from vendors topped the list of challenges facing hoteliers. With vendors and suppliers play a key role in daily operations, holding them accountable is a critical challenge to manage to ensure a hotel’s success.

Integration: To remain competitive in today’s hotel environment, it is essential that software applications integrate easily and seamlessly with other programs. But, it’s well known that legacy systems do not communicate well with one another and one of the largest challenges hoteliers face when it comes to their technology is a lack of integration and the complexity of integration with other systems. As new products are developed, and guests demand more technological flexibility, hoteliers are challenged with finding solutions that can integrate easily and work with a wide range of providers.


Aligning with a Trusted Partner: Aligning with a trusted technology partner is an indestructible foundation for success. With the right partner, hoteliers are equipped to meet the current challenges facing the hospitality industry and have the opportunity to fully prepare for how future innovations will affect hotel operations. Joining forces with a trusted partner who will not only progress the technological future and adaptability of your hotel, and provide high-level care, service and support every step of the way, will stand to gain.

Flexible Solutions: Hoteliers who choose and invest in flexible solutions that are designed with open APIs and offer the ability to integrate with other systems have the opportunity to transform the running of their hotel at every level and focus on what’s important: servicing the customer. With flexible, seamless and intuitive integration across different systems hoteliers not only have the opportunity to greatly reduce manual administrative workload and improve data accuracy, but also increase operational efficiency and benefit from notable cost savings. Choosing flexible tech solutions, with clean, open API’s will allow hoteliers make viable future technology investments

Scalable Solutions: Scalable solutions provide hoteliers with the opportunity to not only purchase only what they need, when they need it, but also grow and evolve when they are ready—all in a seamless fashion, and without breaking the bank. Regardless of however you’re planning to expand, or not, planning for the future is important so whatever system you decide to go with, ensure it is scalable to offer more extensive capabilities as your hotel’s demand grows.

Technology can play a decisive role in how hotels create a unique guest experience. But with technology moving so fast, hoteliers face many challenges in the wake of any tech investment. By focusing on systems that provide technological flexible platforms and innovative systems that deliver on their promises, will make a real difference for your guests and the guest experience.

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